About me

I am an Early Career Research Group Leader AutoML for Science in the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science at the University of Tübingen.

Short Bio

My research focuses on methods for automated machine learning (AutoML), hyperparameter optimization (HPO), and efficient benchmarking. Motivated by the goal of further democratizing the application of machine learning for scientific researchers and practitioners, I research how to improve and extend AutoML systems to leverage the full potential of ML for new applications.

Previously, I was part of the ML Lab at the University of Freiburg, where I completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Frank Hutter and Marius Lindauer (2022). I also co-developed several open-source tools for HPO methods and AutoML systems and have been a member of the team winning three AutoML competitions (2016, 2018, 2020). I am a junior head of the Automl.org group, member of the COSEAL group and a faculty member of IMPRS-IS. Furthermore, I co-organized the AutoML workshop series at ICML in 2019, 2020 and 2021, served as a social chair (2022,2023) and as a program chair (2024) for the AutoML Conference and am co-leading the Tübingen Women in Machine Learning group.


more entries
  • Jan'23 · 🥳 I am very excited to start my own Early Career Research Group for AutoML for Science at the Cluster of Excellence "ML for Science" at the University of Tübingen!


Note: For links to slides, tutorials and videos, please see talks, teaching and Automl.org

Want to work with me? I recruit PhD students via IMPRS-IS (Deadline 15th November 2024). Here is an example call for a PhD position or reach out to me in case of any questions!